Thursday 2 October 2014

Sufferers vs. Supporters

Oh right. It's another source of information to help those of us living with a sufferer of depression to walk on egg shells, carry on regardless, pick up the slack whilst grinning & bearing it.

Nope. It isn't.

I live with someone who suffers from depression, as you might have assumed. It can be miserable. And lonely. When I sought help/support/advice on the internet, all I found were sites full of advice on how to help the Sufferer - nothing seemed to offer us, the Supporters, any support. Why not?

I have no idea why not. As almost everything I read confirms, it is very hard for a Sufferer to take steps towards recovery without some help from someone they are close to. In fact, our family doctor pointed out that it is often very difficult for a Sufferer to realise that their behaviour is indicative of depression and not just 'the way they are' unless they have someone they are close to to point it out to them. Furthermore, it is usually the Supporter who can detail these symptoms/examples of depressive behaviour far more succinctly which makes diagnosis and treatment at least a little easier to initiate.

There are countless sources of information and support for Sufferers, many of which we will be taking a look at over the next 30 posts but I am keen to hear of any resources aimed at providing much-needed support to Supporters. And, to clarify, I do not mean sources of info that tell us how we can help our loved ones. 

What I need is to work out how I am supposed to carry on with the usual demands of life and take extra care of myself and/or my partner when required. That shouldn't be seen as a 'woe is me' looking for pity - quite the contrary. Do you have any practical tips/advice? Do you have a Back-up Plan for when your Sufferer hits a low point? Is every day a low point? Do you have a support network of friends/family you can call on? Do you actually call on them?

I hope you'll join me and I welcome your comments. All I ask is that, if you are the Sufferer rather than the Supporter, you bear in mind that this has been designated a safe space for Supporters to seek solace and if that should include having a good old whinge about how tough it is living with and loving their Sufferers, then so be it.

Here's to the journey folks!

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1 comment:

  1. Oh my friend, this is an important topic. You are brave to step out and ask the hard questions, and seek answers. I recently have gone through a challenging season which included (still includes ) some of the challenges you mention. So vitally important to have strategies to live above "survival" mode, especially as circumstances can vary so dramatically and be draining and unpredictable. It is good for you to seek and share what you learn. Praying for you, in this journey. Maybe even for a small network of others who are seeking the same kind of support - that you might be that for one another. In His Grace, Dawn
